Everyone deserves good relationships and a great sex-life. If you’re looking at yours: Are you really happy? Satisfied? Is what you’re having something you’d wish others to have?
If your answer is No: Be aware that healthy relationships and good sex are the basics of a long fulfilling life. And the thing with basics is, you can’t replace them. Either they’re there or not.
The good news: You can create these basics if you lack them. So if you feel like you have „some work“ to do in these areas, it might very well be the smartest investment of your life starting this journey. You might not even know what you are missing yet…
Find the root of your sexual problems and get some juice (back) in your life.
Stop circling around old patterns and find a better way with yourself and your partner.
Look into the depths of your being and remove blockages that don’t serve you anymore. Make room for the life you want.
I know, everyone tells you, that reaching any goal always needs practice. Putting thins into action repeatedly to get somewhere.
(Some „shadier“ people might tell you that there is a „Do-this-one-time“-type of solution, which is complete bananas looking on how life actually works.
Looking at relationships and sexuality, the beautiful thing is that the practice is already the goal. Very Buddhist you might think. Yes. And also very simple: If you’ve got the practice, you already have the result.
Why? Because in every moment you’re interacting, you’re creating a certain quality of relationship – or not. This means: Your action is key.
By taking care of the way you’re actually relating, you make sure to create the best relationship for yourself. The purpose of the Coaching is to guide and support you in this.
You might have very „practical“ problems: Maybe it’s hard for you to reach an orgasm, you and your partner lost your sex-life or you can’t get horny at all. While there are in fact a lot of very practical hands-on tips and tricks to solve these issues, sometimes they simply don’t work because you haven’t reached the root of it yet.
Within the Coaching you will get very practical hands-on advice when needed, but also an in-depth analysis of your situation. To make sure and enable you to solve the problem sustainably.
in the Coaching
You get an in-depth analysis and clear understanding of your situation and your blockages. Benefit from my over 10 years of experience with client work.
Sometimes you can’t put things exactly into words, but they are still expressed: through your body, your body language, a change of energy. To feel-in, is part of my guidance method.
Receive honest feedback in a loving way: Real feedback can hurt sometimes, because the Ego gets triggered. That’s ok. That is how we grow. I’m here to hold space for that too.
The quality of Coaching highly depends on the quality of the Coach = their experience. In the Coaching I share with you my 20 years of experience in relational, sexual and spiritual work.
I love word-jokes, so I was tempted to write „… the rest will flowllow“ 😀
But it is true: Choosing a (new) direction, dedicating your time and energy to a certain change, often get things into flow on the way. Meaning: running smooth and easy.
Within the Coaching, I offer you a broad approach of systemic, tantric and therapeutic methods. You get practical hands-on advise as well as in-depth understanding to solve your problem sustainably. During 1:1 (online) sessions in English or German, we develop a for you suiting way to your best relationship and sexuality.